Monday, February 11, 2019

Typeography Project

Pre-Production: I began this project with a google doc where I compiled a list of quotes from a wide-range of people. I tried to think of people who influenced me, people who I like, or just people who pertain to me in some way. LANY is a band that I love, and Josh Dun is the drummer for Twenty One Pilots, another band which I absolutely adore! Both have great quotes or lyrics that have actually gotten me through some pretty tough times. The other two quotes are from my two favorite shows, The Office and Bob Ross! I used to find all of my font types. I just searched up key words that I thought would roughly match the mood and look of each quote I have. I think the fonts do a good job of that! They get the point across.

Production: I didn't really have a plan going in to designing these. All of what I did was spur of the moment and basically "free-hand",  just on a computer. I thought I would like working in color more, but I liked black and white because I could work more on the layout and pattern of my project, instead of just focusing on the overall design. I tried to make a few of the designs more formal or organized, and the others free-flowing. I also learned not to group all of the words together, but to allow myself to be able to move each individual word. For my graphics I just used the pen tool, but I really didn't want them to be the focus of each piece. I made each of them small and not very significant.

Post-Production: I like my black and white designs!! The simplicity and freedom of them are very appealing. My colored designs didn't turn out amazing, but they aren't bad! It was tough to find colors that matched each piece I made. If I did the project again I would spend a little more time on the graphics. I wouldn't want them to be larger, but more details could make the overall project look nicer.

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